School Safeguarding Councils
Here you will find termly topics and resources to support your school's Safeguarding Council.
New topics and feedback survey links will be posted at the start of each term, and will stay active until the last day of each term.

Spring Term 2025
This term's topics is Violence in the Community.
Follow the link here for the support pack for Primary Schools (or setting for 4-11 year olds)
Click here for the support pack for Secondary and Further Education settings (11-18 year olds)
Here is the link to the survey to be completed at or following your session. This is very important to have your discussions heard within the partnership and to allow partners to act upon children and young people's views. There is also a box at the bottom of each survey for school staff to highlight any issues that they would like the partnership to know about.
This survey will stay active until Thursday 17th April 2024. Please note that the term will end before this date for some schools so please ensure that you have submitted this before then.
Further Information
Archive: Autumn Term 2024
Autumn Term 2024-2025
This term's topics was Online Safety and Digital Wellbeing.
Support pack for Primary Schools (or setting for 4-11 year olds)
Support pack for Secondary and Further Education settings (11-18 year olds)