Resources & Tools
HSSCP are keen to promote resources and tools for practitioners in all areas of safeguarding children.

Below are some resources that may assist you and enable you to access a safeguarding children resource library.
Please also see our training section on this website for classroom based training and e-learning courses.
Further Information
Useful Links
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's)
- Barnardos Child Sexual Exploitation - Greg's Story
- Child Bereavement - supporting pupils in school
- Child Expliotation Film (Barnardos)
- Childnet - Toolkit to address issues on online sexual harassment amongst 13-17 year olds
- Consent: It's simple as tea
- County Lines
- Criminal Exploitation Disruption Toolkit
- CSE - Time to Listen
- Educare: Safeguarding Resources
- ESafety and Digital Citizenship
- Growing up Neglected
- Innovation Project
- Internet Safety - Everyone Knows Sarah
- Keeping Your Children Safe in Sport (e-learning course for parents)
- Know the Signs - Child Sexual Exploitation
- Modern Slavery is closer than you think
- NSPCC - Case Reviews Update
- NSPCC - Parental Substance Misuse
- NSPCC - Protecting Children from Domestic Abuse
- NSPCC - Research and Resources
- NSPCC - Safeguarding and Child Protection in Schools
- Risk Identification in Domestic Abuse cases
- Safe Lives Resources for working with victimes of Domestic Abuse
- The Multi-agency Response to Domestic Abuse
- Think You Know
- Trapped - County Lines