Take Notice (Child Sexual Abuse)
Over the last year, NSPCC have been working with schools and local partners in Hartlepool and Stockton to raise awareness of child sexual abuse.
Child Sexual Abuse is very serious and involves an adult or older child behaving in a way that is not ok and makes other children feel uncomfortable, scared, or unsafe. It is important for young people to understand their rights to keep their body safe and where they can get support if they are worried.
The NSPCC have lots of advice, support and help for young people to learn what their rights are, and what is and is not ok.
If you are in primary school, you might have heard about Talk PANTS or even had a visit from the NSPCC (and Pantosaurus) to your school!
Talk PANTS and Pantosaurus are here to make sure children and young people know how to keep their bodies safe, and what to do if you don't think that your body is safe.
Talk P.A.N.T.S. Rules
P - Privates are private! Your privates are any part of your body that would be covered by your underwear, or anywhere that you might be upset if someone touched you.
A - Always remember, your body belongs to you. No one else has the right to do anything to your body that you don't want them to.
N - No means no! If someone touches you or asks you to do something that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable, you always have the right to say no. If you say no, and they do it anyway, it is very important to tell someone you trust about it.
T - Talk about secrets that upset you - even if someone has asked you not to!
S - Speak up, someone can help. No matter what you tell your trusted adults, they will always be able to find someone to help.
To find out more, visit the NSPCC Talk PANTS page!