Families & Home Life
On this page, you can find help, support and solutions for issues you might face within your family or home, for example, abuse, domestic violence, healthy relationships, poverty, and ways to help you speak out.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is any behaviour within a family, home, or close relationship that causes harm, fear, or control over another person. When it happens between adults, such as parents or caregivers, it affects everyone in the family, including children and young people who witness it. Domestic abuse can be physical harm, emotional abuse, threats, manipulation, of control over things like money, freedom, or even what somebody wears.
Experiencing domestic abuse, even it’s not directed at you, can have a big impact. Children and young people who live in an environment where domestic abuse is present might feel:
- Fear and Anxiety: for themselves or for those who the abuse is directed at.
- Confusion or Guilt: thinking that they might be to blame or ‘stuck’ between family members.
- Anger or Sadness
- Low Self-Esteem: might feel unimportant, unloved, or blame themselves.
- Trouble at School or with Friends: it can be hard to focus, do schoolwork, or keep close friendships
Some people might also feel alone and as if they can’t talk to anyone about what is happening at home. They might feel the need to hide what is happening or feel responsible for protecting others in their family. It is important to remember that abuse in your home is not your fault. It is ok to reach out for help.
You can speak to a friend or trusted adult, Childline, The Hideout, or the Police.
All children and young people deserve a safe, supportive environment and there are people ready to help you find it.
Child Abuse
Child abuse is when an adult, caregiver, or someone in a trusted position (faith leader, sports leader, children’s professional etc) hurts a child or young person, making them feel unsafe, scared, or unloved. Abuse can happen in families, in places like schools or sports teams, and even online.
There are 4 main types of child abuse:
- Physical abuse: hitting, hurting, or causing injuries on purpose.
- Emotional or Verbal Abuse: saying hurtful things, blaming, shouting, or constantly criticising
- Neglect: not meeting a child’s basic needs like food, clean clothes, a safe and warm place to live, getting medical attention when poorly, and ensuring they get a good education.
- Sexual Abuse: any form of unwanted or inappropriate contact or behaviour of a sexual nature the makes a child uncomfortable, scared or hurt.
Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships mean that all people in the relationship are supportive and respectful of each other, even when they have a disagreement. Even healthy relationships will have difficult times, but it is important to make sure that this is handled in a healthy way.
There are many healthy ways to resolve differences and disagreements in relationships such as:
- Respectfully talking about your issues
- Compromising equally on decisions
- Getting advice from someone else who isn’t involved
Some signs of an unhealthy relationship are:
- Your partner or friend pushing you into situations where you are uncomfortable
- Your partner or friend not listening to you and what you want
- Your partner or friends being controlling of your actions, behaviour or clothing
Poverty is when a person or family might not have enough money to pay for things that they need. This could be heating, food, clothing, water, internet or many more things.
Unfortunately, 30% of young people in the UK live in poverty. Young people who are growing up in poverty can find this very difficult, and it may mean that they struggle with with things like going to school, keeping friendships, and concentrating on school work or exams.
Living in these conditions can also affect a person’s mental and physical health. It can cause low mood, anxiety, low attention span, as well as affecting a child’s growth and physical health.