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Young people in Hartlepool and Stockton are working hard to update this page as soon as possible. 

children on stepping stones

Child Criminal Exploitation

Children as young as 7 are being put in danger by criminals who are taking advantage of how innocent and inexperienced these young people are. Any child can be exploited, no matter their background.

Criminal exploitation is also known as 'county lines' and is when gangs and organised crime networks groom and exploit children to sell drugs. Often these children are made to travel across counties, and they use dedicated mobile phone ‘lines’ to supply drugs.

If you suspect you are being exploited please speak to your parent, Teacher or Social Worker if you have one.


Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is when an individual takes sexual advantage of a child or young person (anyone under 18) for his or her own benefit. Power is developed over the child or young person through threats, bribes, violence and humiliation or by telling the child or young person that he or she is loved by the exploiter. This power is then used to induce the child or young person to take part in sexual activity.


Child Trafficking

The NSPCC’s provides free guidance and training to professionals concerned that a child or young person has been or is about to be trafficked into or out of the UK.

As part of this work, they have produced a series of leaflets for children who have come to the UK from another country.

Each leaflet explains:

  • what words like “refugee”, “asylum seeker” and “trafficking” mean
  • what help is available for children who have come to the UK from another country
  • who to ask for help
  • how to ask for help.

The leaflet is available in 12 different languages.

Further Information